News and Blog

  • KO eHealth Rebrand

    KO eHealth Rebrand

    KO eHealth recently underwent a major rebranding. If you haven’t seen our new logo and brand, you are in for a treat. We have completely transformed our look, with a more polished and streamlined logo that reflects their commitment to excellence in the digital health industry. One of the most […]

  • Changes Ahead for the NAN Hope Program

    Changes Ahead for the NAN Hope Program

    Changes Ahead for the NAN Hope Program The Nishnawbe Aski region, located in the northern part of Ontario, Canada, is home to 49 communities, each with its own unique culture and history. However, despite their individual differences, one thing remains constant: the need for accessible and effective mental health services. […]

  • Fort Severn Trip for the KO eHealth Team

    Fort Severn Trip for the KO eHealth Team

    Fort Severn is where the KO eHealth team found themselves this past month.